Accessing Database Backups

Current - AWS Backups

Backups are stored in S3 as versions of the cubing.sql file.


  1. Navigate to AWS console
  2. S3 -> Buckets -> wca-backups -> latest
  3. Toggle “Show versions” to see a version history, and download the one you need
  4. Bear in mind that you can just grep this file for basic data - you don’t always need to load it into a SQL client

Deprecated - tarsnap backups:

We backup the production database to tarsnap weekly.

The easiest way to get to them is by sshing to the production server and running:

tarsnap --list-archives | sort


To get the contents of the database from June 12th, you can run the following command:

tarsnap -Oxf wca-backup-20170612_000909 secrets/wca_db/cubing.sql > /tmp/cubing.sql

Now that you have this file the safest is probably to use it locally (do not import it onto staging, or else the whole world will be able to access it via phpMyAdmin on staging!).

Before moving the file to another machine it’s best to tar it so that it shrinks to a reasonable size:

/tmp @production> cd /tmp
/tmp @production> tar -czvf cubing.sql.tar.gz cubing.sql

Over on your laptop now, you can scp, extract the file and import it into a newly created database:

/tmp @yourlaptop> scp .
cubing.sql.tar.gz                                                       100%  140MB  28.0MB/s   00:05
/tmp @yourlaptop> tar xvf cubing.sql.tar.gz
/tmp @yourlaptop> mysql
mysql> create database wca_backup_20170612_000909;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> use wca_backup_20170612_000909;
Database changed
mysql> source cubing.sql;

Add/Remove Someone to/from WST

  1. Add them to the Software Team on the WCA website:
  2. Send an email to the Board (so that the change is included in the staff newsletter).
  3. VESTIGIAL? Add them to the Google Group:!managemembers/wca-admin/add.
  4. Add them to the WCA Software Team GitHub team:
  5. (If necessary) Add them to the developers team of the wca Organisation on NPM:
  6. Add them to the WCA slack: Make sure they are in the #software channel.
  7. Have them send out an introduction email to with a favorite Youtube video and some goals for what they hope to accomplish while on the team.

When someone leaves the software team, they should be removed from all of the above.

WCA Email Management

We use Google GSuite Groups for our mailing lists. This is way better than free Google Groups, because it gives us an API to automate group membership. It also saves us some hassle setting up redirects. Steps involved in creating a group:

  1. Create the group on the GSuite admin panel. See how to Create a group
  2. Update SyncMailingListsJob.( if you want membership of the group to be automated. You can see an example of this in PR 3803.

Misc documentation

Dependabot PR’s

For handling Dependabot PRs, we generally rely on our test suite. The exact procedure depends on the kind of update, but the tests are always the first and most important indicator for merging.

There is usually a changelog contained in the PR description, to help you decide whether to go ahead with the merge. For more concrete rules, refer to the listing below.

Bugfix version bumps

For example, 1.1.3 –> 1.1.4 (last digit)

Merge these at will if the test suite checks out.

Minor version bumps

For example, 6.0.4 –> 6.1.0 (middle digit)

Merge these at will if the test suite checks out. Exception: If it’s a crucial part of our infrastructure like rails or typescript or similar, keep an eye on the changelog.

Major version bumps

For example, 3.2.1 –> 4.0.0 (first digit)

You should skim the changelog for any breaking changes that could be relevant. If it’s a crucial part of our infrastructure (see above), get a second pair of eyes to review.